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Carosella Group

Intelligence and technology to outguess risks

We deliver value offering to every single Partner an innovative solution to simplify and strengthen their resilience to risk, enhance their proactivity against risks, support their accountability, and guarantee their reputation.

Carosella Group

Before all risks, one solution

Bee: flexibility and integrated approach to tackle any types of risk thus preventing disruptions, breaches, and violations

Carosella Group

Ethics, safety, sustainability, legality

Since 1998 we design sustainable GRC solutions supporting companies in Europe and USA in their efforts to improve risk responsiveness, sustainability, compliance, and efficiency

Carosella Group

Our ESG Commitment

Our business conduct reveals our environmental and social attitude; that's why we organize events and contests to promote an ESG consciousness in young people, along with their professional and social growth. Our #beethechange award is a contest for high school and university students, aimed at acknowledging their ethical commitment


About us

GRC Solutions


Carosella Group is an international organization focused on Governance, Risk Management and Compliance consulting, in partnership with a network of extremely competent Law Firms. We offer customized solutions for every business sector to assist our clients in building efficient, cost-effective and law-abiding organizations.



Carosella Corporate Solutions


Our consulting service provides our clients with the know-how and tools they need to evaluate, adjust and monitor the risk level of their organization. Thanks to our proprietary Risk Management and Compliance framework we support them in furthering compliance and social responsibility. Our method, along with our customized solution, makes Carosella Group the right consulting choice, fitting all the GRC needs of our clients.


Bee (Business environment ethics) is the proprietary software platform supporting all of our projects. It assists the user in any aspect of the Enterprise Risk Management model and of the overall corporate compliance improvement process. Bee is customizable as to the integration with ERP systems and/or the addition of new features on demand. Furthermore, by updating the database on a daily basis, Carosella Group ensures that its clients can rely on the most up-to-date laws, rules and regulations.

Carosella Group

in numbers



Just one solution merging regulatory compliance, ethical responsibility, strategic performance management through a BI approach.



The choice to develop our business on three sites spanning both the sides of the Atlantic Ocean allows us to have a global approach to global issues and worries.



Our mission is to spread ethics in the business arena; our commitment is therefore addressed to thousands of youngsters, to make them aware of ethics and responsibility from their very early years.



Zero is the time most of the tasks of a GRC Model designing process are reduced to; indeed they are the most tedious and time consuming tasks in the process. For our clients, this results in decrease of modeling costs and process duration.



We share our business with just four prestigious partners; merging our skills with theirs helps us deliver the best solution to meet the everchanging needs of our clients.

Do not underestimate

The impact of GRC

on your business


GRC is the acronym for Governance, Risk Management and Compliance.

Governance – The whole set of activities composing the management strategy of a company;
Risk Management – The set of strategies adopted to manage risks that can hinder the organization's operations or ability to remain competitive in its market;
Compliance – A company's conformance to laws, regulations, contracts, policies.

Compliance is mandatory. An integrated GRC solution is the best choice to avoid trouble with the law, payment of penalties and legal fees, and a wide number of worries.

Save time - Save money

Our services

Reduce complexity

Our perspective differs from ordinary management consulting: with our approach we integrate consulting with our proprietary software, Bee. Carosella Group’s integrated consulting service will lead to the design of a Balanced Scorecard Model to verify (and monitor) the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility practices. Therefore not only regulatory compliance, but also ethics, intergovernmental organizations’ recommendations, social responsibility. Thanks to Bee, the duration of a project, its cost and the engagement required to our clients are drastically decreased.

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    Save Time

    The whole consulting program demands the client’s organization engagement for a much smaller amount of the time a traditional GRC consulting method would require. Furthermore, our software solution, Bee, will complete long and complex operations in the shortest time.

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    Save Money

    Competitive overall cost, fast achievement of the expected results, low engagement of the client organization's staff, no need to buy additional consulting services for future compliance needs.

    The natural result is a high Return On Investment

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    Reduce Complexity

    With Bee it only takes a click of the mouse to automatically perform tasks that would usually need several days to be performed (assessment checklists, risk scoring and mapping, corrective action plan and recommendations).


Carosella Group provides industry-specialized solutions for governance, ethics, regulatory compliance, and risk management. We can address your most challenging questions with our integrated solutions.

Below are just some examples of the industries our consulting service applies to:

  • Industrial & Consumer manufacturing companies

  • Healthcare

  • Gas & Oil

  • Information Technologies

  • Logistics, Warehouse Management, Transportation

  • Construction




Carosella Group was founded by Massimo Carosella and Antonio Carosella as a Limited Liability Corporation (Carosella Corporate Soultions, LLC) based in the state of Delaware, headquartered in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

Massimo Carosella


Massimo Carosella

Francesca Picardi

Italian Branch Representative


Noemi Taccarelli

Business development and strategy director


Alessandro De Cenzo

Brand Development Manager


Connect with us


How to buy

our customized solutions

There is no standard price for our services, because our solutions are customized to satisfy the needs of every different client, but we can guarantee the most competitive costs, and a consequent high Return On Investment.

If you are interested in purchasing our services and want to know the pricing for your needs, or if you just want more information on our consulting services, or on our proprietary software Bee, please contact us using the following form:

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Contact us

Feel free to ask anything

Do you have any idea in mind? Contact us, we will give you the answer you expect.

1013 Centre Road, Suite 403-A Wilmington, DE 19805 - U.S.A.
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Technical support


C.C.S. - Carosella Corporate Solutions, LLC

1013 Centre Road, suite 403-A

Wilmington, DE 19805 USA

FEIN 98-0505658